I'm having more trouble than usual deciding how I want to proceed with this design. After my first bout of indecision regarding this lovely lace pattern, back in our get-acquainted days (by now Chinese Lace and I are so close, we can finish each other's sentences), I went through sleeve doubt, followed by generalized angst and dysphoria. But we worked through our difficulties and emerged as stronger partners; or so I thought. But now what? All-lace sleeve, close-fitting, or ribbed to match the body, with a slightly belled lace cuff? The nerdy part of me is leaning toward all-lace, just so I can get to know my beloved Chinese Lace's evil twin mirror image.
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Do you have a photo editting program? Try digitally cutting the photo in half and mirror imaging it. I'm such a geek - I did this and I like the all lace version.
Posted by: Carol | May 07, 2006 at 07:35 PM