1) I'm a firm believer in editing (hence 10 and not 100 things about me).
2) I don't have a favorite color. Why? I think that within every major color group (ROYGBP, as well as gray, brown and white) you can find gorgeous and ugly hues; context changes colors; lighting changes colors.
3) Similarly, I don't have a favorite band, only favorite songs. You'd be hard-pressed to find more than five songs from any one band among my favorites.
4) I was born in Vermillion, South Dakota. I don't think many people can say that.
5) People who hog the left-hand lane infuriate me. There would be a lot less tailgating if those mofos would just get out of the way! Who elected them keepers of the speed limit? (Incidentally, my Massachusetts state trooper friend is with me on this.)
6) I'm an allergy sufferer. It amazes me that something so painless can cause so much, well, suffering.
7) I'm not going to talk about my family because they might read this. Yes, they are allowed blog access.
8) I like sketching. I like poring over stitch dictionaries. I like swatching. I like love buying yarn. I like knitting. I like charting. I like writing up patterns and I like doing the math for different sizes. I like shooting WIPs and FOs. I even like seaming. The only thing knitting-related I can't stand is working in loose ends. And that %#*5@ Russian join just doesn't work for me--at least not on cotton yarn. (Was that really 12 things rolled into one? My.)
9) There's no way I could have given birth silently--not even for Tom Cruise. Okay, I don't really like him very much. If Jake Gyllenhaal was a Scientologist and wasn't way too young for me and wanted me to bear his child silently--then maybe. Probably not.
10) The worst job I ever had was caring for disease-free rats at a lab animal breeding facility (which will remain unnamed). Counting rats for research orders, punching holes in rat ears, vacuuming rat shit (and the occasional baby rat :-( ), showering in and wearing sterile coverings from head to toe and being spritzed with disinfectant so I didn't make the rats sick. BEING SURROUNDED BY RATS. Blecch.