This is the longest I've gone without posting since I started this blog; having three knit projects due in the space of a few weeks which also encompassed Christmas, the New Year, hauling the family from Italy to Boston to Cape Cod to Florida and back, and choosing tile, cabinets, countertops and paint colors for two building projects may have had something to do with that. Maybe having all that over with is the reason I feel more relaxed than I have in a month, in spite of being jet-lagged and arriving home to no heat this morning.
Anyhoo...(anyone see the Daily Show's Samantha Bee's advice to Al Jazeera on how to appeal to an American audience? We get Al Jazeera here in Italy so it cracked me up.)...ANYhoo, this photo, taken in early December, shows "Filo e filo", a yarn store in Lucca, a lovely walled city in Tuscany, between Florence and Pisa. It's fairly small but has a nice selection of yarns and patterns, and it has an unbeatable location: Piazza Dell' Anfiteatro, a piazza built on the site of an ancient Roman amphitheater. The piazza is completely walled in, with several tunnel entrances, and retains the oval shape of the amphitheater, as you can see in this photo. I was so delighted to find a nice yarn shop in a totally cool spot that I bought some totally unneeded (but gorgeous) yarn, Filatura di Crosa Zara, extrafine merino, in a delicious chocolate brown. I'm sure I'll find some use for it someday!
Thanks so much for the link to the "Aljahero" bit...very funny!!
And for the little glimpse into Italy..beautiful.
Posted by: Carson | January 07, 2007 at 06:15 PM
welcome back! sounds like you have plenty on your plate - no wonder you had no time to blog!
what a beautiful spot for a yarn shop....
Posted by: stacey | January 08, 2007 at 11:33 AM
Lucky you to find a yarn shop! I was in Italy to visit my husband's family over the holidays and unfortunately, most shops were closed. I was only able to sigh longingly and take photos. There was a particularly beautiful shop window in Parma (sigh!).
Congrats on making your deadlines. 3 projects in a few weeks? Yikes!
Posted by: connie | January 08, 2007 at 12:10 PM
I am so glad to have found this! I'm going to Parma on Saturday, travelling from Seattle with my mother. We both knit like crazy. I can't wait to find this shop or even another one!!
Posted by: Carmel | March 30, 2009 at 04:52 PM