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Hi, would you care to write a short review of the shop for Motivi a Maglia? YOu cna write in english, if you prefer, I will translate.


That is the most beautiful wisteria I have ever seen! I love the shot of the LYS.


The bamboo/merino looks beautiful. soo shiny!


That is the yarn shop! Although it looks like they changed their window display a bit since I saw it. I'm glad you found it.

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us (i.e. the Interweave Knits project). Which issue is this going to be in?


What a great shop. I aspire to deceiving my family into yarn trip vacations :-)

I have wisteria on the brain too. Just posted a Tiffany window!


Ooh, your photo of wisteria has me longing to smell the dizzying scent of its flowers -- there is no lovelier floral scent, in my opinion. The color ain't bad, either. :) Enjoy that beautiful yarn!


Typically a lurker....couldn't pass up the chance to say I love the shot of the LYS. Italy is amazing....you are so lucky to be living there!! Enjoy the spoils of your recent adventure.....


I LOVE wisteria!!! It grows here and there in DC, but there's no such thing as too much, in my opinion. Honesty time: I've been reading your blog for about a year, and have to tell you how completely envious I am! Italy...How wonderful. Do you love it?

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