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I think it's beautiful, Angela, though I understand being dissatisfied with one's own work. I'm always self critical too. What's the next step then?


I love the lacey panel. Are you planning to do the top part plain now, or continue with the pattern you did before.

lorna doone

Nice, nice, nice. I am more concentrated on children stuf but looking at this nice top I will consider of making one for me... after few started parts... I have also tried, and sucsesfuly finished, an MSH I saw at Sandras... Thank you for that lovely pattern!

Emily (Ginny)

Oh, I am glad you cross post - I couldn't comment on the create-along blog on this post!

I like this very much. Perhaps you are right about the bold pattern on the upper back (though I do like it and hope you will use it elsewhere in the future. The shaping of the left shoulder is more satisfying to my eye, but again, I agree, would be better without the patterning.

I hope when you have completed this labour of love it will be available??? I love my lotus blossom tank, for its lacey lower part and stocking stitch upper, but it hangs strangely, an yours I think won't.

Hanging on your every stitch...


I've been following the progress of this - and it is looking great!


Oh I just LOVE it. Honestly, if you had the pattern for sale, I would buy it right now!


I agree with you about the upper back. What if the pattern copied more of the flow of the Dayflower lace pattern? Sort of a tone-on-tone Damask feel.

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