The blog takes on a life of its own, true? I first started blogging because I had an idea for a book of knitting patterns--a series of books, actually--several years ago, but I decided that no editor would take me seriously; I had never published a pattern at the time. So I decided to start a blog/website and try to sell some designs online, to build up some knitwear design ceredentials.
Il blog si fa una vita da solo, non e' vero? Ho cominciato blogging (bloggando?) perche avevo un' idee per un libro di modelli di lavorare a maglia--veramente una serie dei libri--alcuni anni fa, ma ho deciso che nessun redattore potrebbe accettare qualcuno come mei; non ho mai pubblicato nessun modello in quello periodo. Quindi ho deciso a cominciare un blog/sito e provare vendere dei modelli online, per accumularmi dei credenziali di una disegnatrice.
Well, after several months of little or no web traffic, I decided that I should try to publish some patterns in online or print knitting magazines, and raise my profile. A couple of years later, patterns have been published, and my original book idea? I still think it has merit, but I'm not sure I can muster up the time and energy right now to put together a proposal and send it off--much less write the book.
Allora, dopo alcune mesi con pochi traffico al sito, ho deciso che dovrei provare pubblicare dei modelli nelle riviste online o normale. Un paio d' anni piu tardi, i modelli sono pubblicato, e il mio idee di libro originale? Penso ancora che ha merito, ma non sono sicura che ho il tempo o l'energia di fare la proposta--sopratutto scrivere il libro.
And the photos--a couple of my first original designs, never before seen because earmarked for "the book." Don't tell anyone, but the model is my younger son (!); the husband heartily disapproved, and now that the boy is older, I couldn't put him in barrettes again.
E le fotografie--un paio dei miei primi modelli originali, non visti mai perche destinati per "il libro." Non dire nessuno, ma l'indossatore e' il mio figlio piu piccolo(!); il marito ha disapprovato tanto, ed adesso, quando il bambino ha piu anni, non potrei fare ancora i fermagli per capelli.
Wow, those are really lovely. You've got plenty of terrific ideas (I've been following since your Chinese Lace Pullover which I found through someone and really loved... ), I bet when the time is right the energy, book and material will all come together.
Posted by: mel | September 17, 2007 at 06:08 PM
Very cute children's designs. And your son is really cute too - though I understand your husband's reluctance to let you put barrettes on him. My younger brother was so cherubic as a child (porcelain skin, rosy cheeks, ruby lips) that my cousins and I used to dress him up like a girl all the time. He still winces when he sees those photos, but he was really really cute!
Posted by: connie | September 17, 2007 at 06:43 PM
Il tuo italiano è sempre migliore ^___^
Posted by: Typesetter | September 18, 2007 at 06:31 AM
Your blog is such a joy to read. Your knitting designs are definitely publication-worthy, and as a former art history student who lived in Italy for a while it is a pleasure to know I can practice reading italian when I tune in. Dont' have many opportunities for that any more!
Posted by: Julie | September 18, 2007 at 04:08 PM
So... am I going to find these two patterns available to buy from our website soon?
Posted by: ADA | September 19, 2007 at 01:20 PM
Non rinunciare a questa sfida, hai tecnica e creatività dalla tua parte!
In bocca al lupo!
Posted by: knitaly | September 19, 2007 at 03:53 PM
I love the patterns! Very very cute, too bad I have a little boy. I do need a girl so I can knit for her. Girl stuff is so much cuter to knit.
That is too funny that is your little boy, I would have never known it! You can use those pictures for blackmailing when he's a teenager!
Posted by: Kelly | September 19, 2007 at 08:20 PM
More cute designs! Thanks for sharing your backstory. It's always interesting to me to see how people get started. I just designed my first couple of garments (also baby dresses) through the Create Along. Your pieces are all so lovely.
Posted by: Nonnahs | September 20, 2007 at 01:18 PM
I find a lot of your designs are quite cute.
Posted by: Projektleiterin | October 12, 2007 at 09:35 AM