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Are you going to knit up a prototype of the Wyvern Wrap?

I'm almost done with one front of the dragon skin wrap. It's really really cute.


I love the skirt! Though I don't know if I would knit it...I love the stitch. I can't wait for the Wyvern pattern.


I would say " So che una gonna fatta a maglia non è un capo amato da tutte". In there is not translation for the "cup of tea" expression, at elast none that I can think about. Also, trnaslating "crunchy" to convey the idea of texture is not easy, better work around it and say something like "la texture¹ ricca e raffinata" or something like that.

¹ Yes, texture in Italian translates as texture. ^_^

Octopus Knits

I think the skirt is great!


Complimenti, la tua gonna e' veramente molto molto bella, ma ci sono anche le istruzioni in italiano?


I love your Selva...was it hard to knit?

YajB (The Woolley MomMyth)

First skirt pattern I've seen that would accomodate my abundance ~ Thank you!

The Hearts of Oak pattern seems robust enough to withstand sagginess, and I like the smoother stitch pattern at the top - to reduce bulk at waist and hip.

I've been a fan of the Dragonskin stitch ever since I first saw in in BW. Your Wyvern Wrap seems like a wonderful opportunity for me to finally deploy the stitch in a garment.

I'm waiting impatiently for my copy of the Winter 07 IK to arrive!

Janet Daniels

I'm terribly impressed with your productivity and with the thoroughness of your patterns. This is my first time on your blog, directed to it as I pored over the Selva Skirt. I'll be back and will be ordering patterns.


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