I know a knit skirt isn't everyone's cup o' tea, but isn't the Hearts of Oak stitch pattern super-cool? And it's crunchy enough to hide the panty lines--yes, I am wearing them.
So che una gonna fatto a maglia non e la tazza di te' (??) per tutti, ma non e' il Cuore di Quercia disegno super-cool? Anche e' abbastanza croccante (??) di nascondere le rughe delle mutandine--si, le sto indossando.
(I've decided to rename the Dragon Skin Wrap for women the Wyvern Wrap--a wyvern is a type of dragon, according to Wikipedia--to avoid confusion with the juvenile version. I hope to finish the pattern tomorrow; however, daily life threatens to delay me for a day or two--patience, please!)
(Ho deciso a ribattezzare il Dragon Skin Wrap per donne il Wyvern Wrap--un wyvern e' un tipo di drago, secondo Wikipedia--per evitare confusione con la versione giovanile. Spero di finire il modello domani; pero', la quotidianita' (amo questa parola!) mi minaccia di ritardare per un paio di giorni--pazienza, per favore!)
Are you going to knit up a prototype of the Wyvern Wrap?
I'm almost done with one front of the dragon skin wrap. It's really really cute.
Posted by: connie | October 25, 2007 at 04:23 PM
I love the skirt! Though I don't know if I would knit it...I love the stitch. I can't wait for the Wyvern pattern.
Posted by: melanie | October 25, 2007 at 10:21 PM
I would say " So che una gonna fatta a maglia non è un capo amato da tutte". In there is not translation for the "cup of tea" expression, at elast none that I can think about. Also, trnaslating "crunchy" to convey the idea of texture is not easy, better work around it and say something like "la texture¹ ricca e raffinata" or something like that.
¹ Yes, texture in Italian translates as texture. ^_^
Posted by: Typesetter | October 26, 2007 at 06:35 AM
I think the skirt is great!
Posted by: Octopus Knits | October 27, 2007 at 12:34 PM
Complimenti, la tua gonna e' veramente molto molto bella, ma ci sono anche le istruzioni in italiano?
Posted by: Cinzia | October 30, 2007 at 03:13 AM
I love your Selva...was it hard to knit?
Posted by: Karen | November 08, 2007 at 11:56 AM
First skirt pattern I've seen that would accomodate my abundance ~ Thank you!
The Hearts of Oak pattern seems robust enough to withstand sagginess, and I like the smoother stitch pattern at the top - to reduce bulk at waist and hip.
I've been a fan of the Dragonskin stitch ever since I first saw in in BW. Your Wyvern Wrap seems like a wonderful opportunity for me to finally deploy the stitch in a garment.
I'm waiting impatiently for my copy of the Winter 07 IK to arrive!
Posted by: YajB (The Woolley MomMyth) | November 12, 2007 at 06:28 AM
I'm terribly impressed with your productivity and with the thoroughness of your patterns. This is my first time on your blog, directed to it as I pored over the Selva Skirt. I'll be back and will be ordering patterns.
Posted by: Janet Daniels | November 20, 2007 at 06:32 AM