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The skirt is beautiful! Thank you for all the information on it!
I have awarded you something...


Again, great post, Angela. I was wondering if you knew why reverse stockinette has a tendency to stretch. Isn't it just the other side of Stockinette? And since Stockinette doesn't stretch, why would reverse stockinette? This was brought up in the Ravelry forums too and I'm not sure what the answer is...

And I so love the ribbon part at the top of the skirt.

Hope you're well :)

Janet Daniels

Thank you, thank you, Angela. I've found Zara on sale locally, and am going tomorrow, after the big snowstorm here in Ohio to pick up #1203, 9 skeins. In a perverse way, I'm glad to hear that the knitting took you some time, because I anticipate that this project will take a bit of my time.(I often wonder just how slow a knitter I am.) I also appreciate the info about the waistband because I might be modifying the measurements for me a bit. I'll let you know. (although this may be the kind of info that you don't care to hear.)


Oh wow I love that color!

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