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That's a good question about the decreases and increases. I saw a similar shell in a magazine, and the shaping was accomplished by using a smaller needle at the waist, and I didn't like that at all! The shaping on Etrusca are very subtle, and probably not noticeable when worn, but I think it would depend on the yarn, and how much it shows, before I could make a choice. Lovely, lovely work!


I like the shaping distributed rather than just on the side for your shell. At any rate, it's beautiful. And the yarn color and choice is perfect for the design. As usual, lovely lovely work!


Honestly, the decreases and increases are so subtle that I doubt anyone would notice them. I like them staggered, I tried to do something similar in the purl sections of a twisted rib design (abandoned for other reasons) and I think staggered shaping mimics our body shapes really well. When/where is this pattern going to be released? It's gorgeous!!


Rather than keeping them at the sides, as an extreme measure I would have tred to keep tem at the center-front and center-back. If they ahve to be visible, makes them as visible as they can be. besides, laterla vertical lines already get a bit curved by the very fact that women are shaped like women: they don't need MORE irregeularity ^_^ If you keep the decreases in the center, this enhances the optical effect of a slim(mer) waist, tough!

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