Have you seen the new Twist Collective? It is absolutely stunning: one amazing pattern after another! Check out Broderie by Connie Chang Chinchio; Stormsvale by Robin Melanson; Heroine by Jennifer Lippman-Bruno; Vivian by Ysolda Teague; Sylvi by Mari Muinonen; and on and on, I can't list them all! (The above doesn't even include any of the lovely mitten, sock, or accessory patterns!) I am really looking forward to being in such exciting designing company in the Spring and Summer 2009 issues!
Avete visto la nuova "Twist Collective"? E' proprio stordente: un modello incredibile dopo l'altro! Guardate Broderie da Connie Chang Chinchio; Stormsvale da Robin Melanson; Heroine da Jennifer Lippman-Bruno; Vivian da Ysolda Teague; Sylvi da Mari Muinonen; e cosi' via, non li posso elencare tutti! (Oltre a quanto sopra detto ci sono tanti belli modelli di guantoni, calzini, sciarpe, cappelli...!) Non vedo l'ora di essere in compagnia cosi' scelta nelle edizioni Primavera ed Estate 2009!
In addition, there's a really interesting article about the Martha's Vineyard Fiber Farm, which I never did get to visit last summer, but which will definitely be on the schedule for next summer.
Anche c'e un' articolo molto interessante dell' azienda di fibra di Martha's Vineyard, la quale che non riuscivo di andare a trovare l' estate scorsa, ma sara' certamente sull' orario dell' estate prossima.
Wow - I particularly like Heroine and Broderie! That's 2 more added to the queue!
Posted by: lupingirl | January 03, 2009 at 11:52 PM