I normally think of my office as a warm and friendly place, with lots of light, yarn cubbies filled to overflowing, and of course the company of my lovely assistants Ofelia and Giulia-- and now Gus, our recently acquired pup (above photo-- isn't he cute?).
But the other night, after seeing a spooky movie preview, I looked up at my cabinets, and realized that there was a shadowy skull staring back at me! After a few moments of confusion, I realized that it was in fact the shadow cast by a mask I bought in Venice years ago (and it's an upside down skull, by the way). But I also realized that there are a couple of other spooky objects nearby: a flayed hand and a decapitated head*, or testa decapitata, as my 9-year-old Italian friend commented when she saw it. Okay, so the hand is actually a drawing on the spine of my copy of Gray's Anatomy, and the head is actually Giulia (perdonami, cara)...but mundane objects can look different after nightfall... *bwahaha*-- Happy Halloween, all!
*Strictly speaking I believe that after the head is separated from the body, it is the body that is decapitated, and not the head, which I suppose would more accurately be-- decorpitated??