Apologies to any Beatles fans out there. Anyway, we are Stateside for the summer; I can already see that this entire Italy experience will be fraught with mixed feelings--glad to be back/sorry to be leaving, glad to see old friends & family/sorry to leave new friends behind, glad to be rattling
away in my native English, sorry to be losing my hard-won gains in Italian a little more each day. And sorry to have left behind what must be one of the best photo-shoot locations ever; do you think I can Photoshop myself into these rooms modeling my future knit projects?!
At least my item (is that vague enough?) for the winter IK is done and I can blog easy: work in some loose ends, write up some long-promised patterns. I'd also love to knit Lutea for myself this summer, but I'm having a helluva time finding any Classic Elite Sundance. (Anyone know where I can score some of that stuff?) I may have to substitute a similar yarn, or--more entertainingly--a completely different weight yarn. Whee! (I know, I probably need a margarita or a mojito or some new shoes--my fun meter appears to be in desperate need of recalibration.)
Speaking of working in loose ends, I finally did that with my Dayflower Lace top, and even wore it in public! Sometime in the next few days I'll post for the Create Along and cross-post here. (Recognize the earrings?)