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Jocelyn Grayson

Thank yooooo!


This is one of the most creative and pretty patterns I've seen in a long time. If I thought for one minute it would remotely flatter me, it would be on the needles NOW. Congratulations on such a beautiful work.



When I made the Lutea Lace Shoulder Shell (http://www.ravelry.com/projects/PixieM/lutea-lace-shoulder-shell)
I thought I was going to lose my mind over the wrong errata from IK and the only thing that saved me was finding your blog! :)

Love this new wrap pattern and have printed out your notes!


Like yourself, I lamented the lack of more photo detail of the wrap, considering its unique construction. You have made it so much clearer, thank you. While I like Vogue Knitting, I have invariably found errata in their patterns, and now I have the proof the mistakes are made by the editors, not by the author of the garment.
And thank you for explaining the sleeves being knitted in, not stitched in. It makes so much more sense...

Diane T

What an absolutely stunning wrap. I passed right over it in Vogue Knitting so I'm pleased that I found you via the Rainey Sisters blog and will be following their progress on this project with interest. Congratulations on all your work on this.


I am so very impressed with this design. Your photos show this piece off to much better advantage than in the magazine. It looks great on you.


Wow, this is so gorgeous! I'm glad also that I saw this on the Rainey Sisters...b/c the photo in Vogue doesn't do it justice, nor does it pique your curiousity to how it was made. I love your photos and errata--THANKS :)

Sonia C.

Your pictures of this piece on Flickr are gorgeous--far better than what Vogue ran-- and convinced me that this will be my big Fall '08 project. Thank you too for the yarn substitution suggestions; after reading through your discussion I'm definitely going to go with something other than Trendsetter, although I really like how it looks.


How many RS short rows are there supposed to be for the sleeves? I find the instructions in the magazine nearly impossible to fathom!Thanks!


wait, hm, i had not noticed this wrap.
mostly, are these erratas on the vogue knitting errata page yet?!

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